After weeks of creating the chakraZª WHITE series in my head, I entered my studio one evening to paint them. Each stroke on a 27"x21" piece of deep bronze metal. Signifying coming out of the dark. 8 strokes of color--7 from the primary chakra colors--red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet--and pink. The chakra of love. I had been doing a lot of healing work with the chakra colors, releasing memories of childhood abuse, and felt inspired to paint a white stroke through each representing a clearing of any negative energy in that specific chakra. Painting these intense colors dramatically shifted me physiologically in a very positive direction!
"life! closeup" IS orange. Happy and enthusiastic! Promoting exploration and creativity with a new-dawn attitude. When painting this piece, I could't think of another color more appropriate for "life!" then orange. It's fun, spontaneous, independent, accepting, prosperous, generous, optimistic, resourceful. It's "life!".
The chakraZª WHITE series includes the images "powerful" "life!" "clarity" "youthful" "mantraZ" "manifeZt" "divine wiZdom" and "magnetiZm".